When should I stop swaddling my baby?

When do I need to stop swaddling my bubs arms in for sleep?

Firstly – this includes the love to dream swaddles with arms in guys!

According to SIDS Australia swaddling is a useful strategy that parents can use to help their babies to settle and sleep on their back during the early months of life but there is limited evidence that wrapping infants on the back has a protective effect against sudden unexpected deaths in infancy.

You need to let those arms be free as soon as you see any SIGNS of rolling. These include;
▪️twisting over like in the reel
▪️rolling hips
▪️lifting hips when on back
▪️when your baby is suddenly not facing the same way as they were/not in the same position as when you put them down.

You must stop swaddling as soon as you see any of these signs 🛑

Please note these signs could occur as a early as 4 weeks! SIDS Australia indicate that you must stop by 6 months but for me, in my general advice, once bub is reaching with those arms and using them well (usually reaching well on back by 4 months if not earlier) stop swaddling.

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