My baby has forgotten how to roll...
Can my baby forget how to roll?
It is one of the most common questions I get asked.
Along with, when should my baby roll.
In short - it isn't that they forget.
Read on while I explain...
Understanding Rolling
Early rolling is purposeful but it is mainly driven by a big weight shift from turning their head (see Early Rolling video)
Some babies roll early, at 2-3 months from their tummy to their back using their big heavy head to drive the momentum. It's kind of purposeful as they are exploring movement, but the consequence of being on their back isnt always the desired one.
Imagine if you were on your tummy and you have just been able to look around, control your head more… oh look, a nice toy over there and WHOA, your view of the whole world just changed and now you are looking at the ceiling. Some bubs are thrill seekers and love this and will keep rolling. Others will do it a handful of times and then avoid it like the plague. Some bubs who are on the advanced side of motor development have just got really good control and will keep practicing these skills.
Compared to rolling when bubs motor skills are more developed (see Controlled Rolling Tummy to Back video) this early rolling lacks control and precision, rather moving as a big block at once.
It’s not until closer to 6 months that they can control their head and trunk well and together.
Thank you for reading
Hopefully these tips help reduce your stress and give you some ideas about why your little one has "forgotten" how to roll.
If it's still tricky and you're stressed, don’t worry! I’ve got you. Pop over to my Instagram @nicole_kidsphysio for lots of little tips.
Or join the Baby Play Academy for over 250 play ideas, language and motor development support for your little one from birth to walking. You can also always check in with your local paediatric physio for 1:1 support too. Reassurance is key to peace of mind!