

A brief introduction to Reflux here including the describing the problem, why it occurs and how the Academy can offer a solution.

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Positioning & Play for a 'Spewy' Baby

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My 3 year old is putting everything in his mouth – what do I do?

Some children enjoy the sensation of things in their mouth - they may have a high tolerance for oral sensory input and/or find oral sensory input calming. We can work on providing safe opportunities for our kids to meet their oral sensory needs, so they're less likely to mouth non-food items. Ways we can do this include:  Trying activities that encourage blowing e.g. blocking pom poms, blowing bubbles, harmonicas/kazoos/party blowers Offering icy cold water in a straw water bottle or open cup with crazy straw. Provide variety of texture and taste in their diet (within mealtime preferences and skills). Consider fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, dairy, crunchy, soft, hard, chewy, lumpy, warm, cold… this can give them plenty of opportunities to explore sensory feels, smells and tastes with their mouth. Smoothies Consider oral sensory items such as silicone based, chewable necklace pendants to re-direct them when they're mouthing items. Finally, try not to draw too much attention to it, but rather help re-direct them to meet their oral-sensory needs in safe and appropriate ways. Check out our Sensory Processing section in Toddler Life for more on sensory preferences. If you're interested in learning more, reach out to one of our OTs! Sensory ...

How to choose a first bike

By Nicole Pates How to Choose a First Bike My daughter recently celebrated her 4th birthday.  She has been begging for a bike and a couple of weeks before her […]

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