Rolling Articles

My newborn is rolling onto their side – is that normal?
SIDS and the AAP recommends always putting your baby down for sleep on their back, so when your baby starts to roll it can be confusing to know what to do when your baby ends up ...
When should I stop swaddling my baby?
When do I need to stop swaddling my bubs arms in for sleep? Firstly - this includes the love to dream swaddles with arms in guys! According to SIDS Australia swaddling is a useful strategy that ...
My baby was rolling and now they don’t do it anymore!
My baby has forgotten how to roll... Can my baby forget how to roll? It is one of the most common questions I get asked. Along with, when should my baby roll. In short - it ...
Do I need to encourage rolling?
I think it’s so helpful to be encouraging our babies to move independently! Once they roll, they have choice! I think it’s important to help our babies play and explore with a wide variety of movements ...
My baby won’t roll – I think it’s their reflux – what do I do?
Oh the poor love. And why would you want to roll onto your tummy if your reflux is giving you discomfort right? However being on their tummy is actually HELPFUL for reflux. Yes there is spew. ...