By Nicole Pates
My Top Tummy Time Tips
Ahhh Tummy Time – it’s something you hear and talk about A LOT as a new parent.
It literally means baby is awake and on their tummy.
This concept came into play in the early 90s after the very successful “Back to Sleep” SIDS campaign that saved countless lives. Health professionals started to notice an increase in head flattening (plagiocephaly) and later shift in motor development, as bubs started to spend their awake and asleep time on their back.
Hence “Tummy Time” was introduced as way to increase the variety in bub's awake positions, and prevent both plagiocephaly and motor delay.
Tummy time is great for bub to develop their strength, vision, postural control and body awareness. It also lays the foundations for motor skills such as crawling.
Some bubs are tummy time naturals and love being in this position. Some bubs get quite frustrated and upset when on their tums.
Let me share a few little secrets from a paediatric physio to help make tummy time easier!

Baby Watch
How long should my baby "do" tummy time?
Often we get told to do X minutes of tummy time with our bub… but I like to individualise it as all bubs are different!
So how do you know what is right for your bubba?
Don’t watch the clock, watch your bubba!
Look for their cues of tiredness, frustration, or distress – jerky movements, clenched fists, hiccups, staring into the distance, yawning, avoiding eye contact and turning away from you.
When you see these cues, give bub a break. Some days and times they might last longer than others. Look for their play cues; eye contact, smooth movements, smiles and wanting to interact.
Picking a time where bub is read to play will lead to more tummy time success.
Connection is Key
Tummy time is hard work, so make it fun!
Get down to bubs level and chat, smile, sing, make eye contact!
If getting down is hard for you, pop bub on their tummy on the change table after a nappy change, on the change mat on the table or even on your bed (always under supervision).
Using your voice and face or toys such as a mirror or contrast cards give bub a fun reason to be on their tummy.
Remember – bub can’t yet reach from their tummy or move so something to look at or chat to make it way more fun.
Mix it Up
I often hear parents say "my baby was loving tummy time then about 3-4 months of age they just became super grump and frustrated and started flapping all over the place"
This is normal.
Around 3-4 months your baby figures out they have hands.
And they want to use them.
But this doesn't quite work in tummy time - hence the flapping.
Their head is too heavy and they are not quite strong enough in their shoulders/back/bottom to figure out reaching on their tummy (this is more like 5-6 months)
The other component is your baby starts to get bored.
We all have a “play area” set up at home… remember that bubs are little people, they can get bored!
Mixing up the environment; different rooms, outside or inside and using different toys can make tummy time more enjoyable.
Getting outdoors on a Rudie Nudie playmat is super for bubs physical development and bubs love to watch other little people play.
Thank you for reading
Hopefully these tips help you and your bubba enjoy tummy time and reap the developmental benefits.
If it's still tricky and you're stressed, don’t worry! I’ve got you. Pop over to my Instagram @nicole_kidsphysio for lots of little tips.
Or join the Baby Play Academy for over 250 play ideas, language and motor development support for your little one from birth to walking. You can also always check in with your local paediatric physio for 1:1 support too. Reassurance is key to peace of mind!